NS Freemasons Support Jewish Council in Anti-Semitic Stickers Case

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NS Freemasons Support Jewish Council in Anti-Semitic Stickers Case
Grand Lodge of Nova hScotia Condemns Such behaviour

Monday, October 5th, 2020, Halifax, Nova Scotia; The Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia Freemasons
condemns the use of anti-Semitic stickers that have been placed around Halifax implicating both the
Jewish community and Freemasons in the COVID-19 pandemic, which is completely false.
“The Masonic community of Nova Scotia wholeheartedly supports the Jewish community in this
province, and we are heartbroken to see such a display of anti-Semitism and racism through the display of
these stickers.” States Grand Master, George Grant of the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia.
Freemasonry has long been associated with various conspiracy theories and this display of ignorance is
not new to the Craft. Masonry has members from many religions and is not a religious organisation itself,
but a philosophy and way of life that aims to make good men better. “Targeting a religious group through
false claims and unfounded conspiracy theories is dangerous at any time. There has been an increase in
anti-Semitism around the world and it is unacceptable. This is not what most Nova Scotians believe.”
Continues the Grand Master.
Freemasons have been active in Nova Scotia since the mid 1700’s and have long participated in
community development activities. The organisation remains highly active to this day with Lodges
throughout the province. While Freemasonry is not an explicit charitable organisation, many Lodges
provide community programs such as school breakfasts, supporting other charities and community


About the Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia

The Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia is the governing body for all Masonic Lodges throughout the Province
of Nova Scotia. Grand Lodge is the voice of Freemasons in the province and provides administrative
support and governance of the organisation.

Contact Information

To speak with the Grand Master or Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge please contact;
Giles Crouch – Chair, Public Relations Committee for Grand Lodge of Nova Scotia
E: giles@sapientd.com or 902-448-0488

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