2024 Masters & Wardens Webinar
Masters Wardens 2024
Are you a Line Officer in your Lodge? Are a new Worshipful Master, Warden, or Deacon or in the Line and headed to Solomon’s Chair in the East? Then get motivated to kick-start your lodge for the year ahead! Yes, as a current officer, in the line, aspiring to someday be, the Master. The Masters and Wardens Webinar offers specialized sessions to help you visualize the Lodge transformation you want to see and provide ideas for you to put into action.
You’ll get advice, trade information and best practices, and meet your fellow Masonic officers from around the Province in a morning of friendship and learning.
This years Topics are:
Membership Retention
For many lodges, attracting new members is important and yet so many lodges struggle to grow. This presentation approaches membership growth by examining the lodge experience and how this impacts retention and growth. Membership is now coming from men of four generations, each with a different perspective on life and expectation from their lodge. Is your lodge well positioned for growth?
Installation Planning
The big day is almost here, and a well-planned installation will set the tempo for the next year. This will not happen by just showing up! You have planned your year using all the tools; so how about making this day an excellent start to that year? You will be given key concepts to having an installation ceremony that everyone will remember, one you planned well.
Restoring Lodge Civility
with RW Bro James Logan (Masonic Civility Ambassador):
There is a growing attention across Grand Jurisdictions to Civility projects, and bringing attention to the way we deal with each other. The Civility Task Force of the North American Conference of Grand Masters, determined that Civility in our Lodge rooms needs revitalization among all Masons and is an issue to be both studied and adopted.
Sharing Best Practices and Questions with the Grand Lecturer, Grand Lodge Officers, and Past Masters
A guided discussion about what really works (and maybe what really doesn’t) in running their Lodges. Expect a lively dialogue with leaders from throughout the Jurisdiction.