Welcome to the official website of the Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Nova Scotia.
Freemasonry is the largest and oldest men’s Fraternity in the world.
Nova Scotia is the birthplace of Freemasonry in Canada where in 1738 at Annapolis Royal Nova Scotia the first Masonic Lodge was founded in Canada. Since then, our Fraternity has developed a rich history in the province. One of our most famous Nova Scotia Freemasons was Alexander Keith who was a famous beer brewer and mayor of Halifax.
This website will provide information to both the man who is interested in Freemasonry and to the Brothers of our craft here in Nova Scotia
Freemasonry is defined as:
“Freemasonry is an organization of like-minded men who accept a lifestyle based on a universal system of morality dedicated to the self-improvement of its members and thereby contributing to the building of a better community.”
The Lodge of Instruction scheduled for 7 September 2024 is rescheduled for 21 September 2024. This will allow our new DDGMs and DGDCs more time to organize the LOI for their Districts.
Masters Wardens 2024 Are you a Line Officer in your Lodge? Are a new Worshipful Master, Warden, or Deacon or in the Line and headed to Solomon’s Chair in the East? Then get motivated to [...]
We are Excited to announce a Grand Lodge AF & AM of Nova Scotia Education Day 28 Oct 2023. The Education sessions will be presented in person at Lodges in various geographical Locations [...]
It is with great excitement that I announce that after months of working on the Post Master Mason degree education in our jurisdiction that we have formed a partnership with the Ashlar [...]