“Freemasonry is an organization of like-minded men who accept a lifestyle based on a universal system of morality dedicated to the self-improvement of its members and thereby contributing to the building of a better community.”
The steps to become a Nova Scotia Freemason
Freemasonry was founded by men sharing a commitment to supporting each other in friendship, fellowship and service to mankind. For over 250 years, Nova Scotia men have found fulfillment as members of the fraternity, which still operates on the same core values.
Step One Before you Start
The first step in order to become a Freemason, is to meet these requirements:
Be a man.
Have a sound reputation, and be well-recommended by your peers.
You must believe in a Supreme Being and be of good moral Character.
Be over the age of 21 years, or 18 if the son of Freemason.
Step Two Separate the hype from the truth.
Books movies, television shows and on line videos, have perpetuated the notion that Freemasonry is a secret society with designs on taking over the world. The truth is that Freemasons are not part of any such conspiracy, and people who attempt to join Freemasonry hoping to gain access to these type of secrets or material gains are not approaching the fraternity with the right intentions and are wasting their effort.